
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Rome: My Trip to the Eternal City

I never really understood what people meant when they said they had the time of their life when they studied abroad. I would think yea ok *eye roll* what does that even mean? So you went and traveled for a semester, saw new places, and that was the end of it. No. My trip to Rome made me realize what people mean when they say they had the time of their life because I truly did have the time of my life. And there's no real way to explain the feeling unless you experience it for yourself. I didn't go to Rome with some huge agenda or schedule. I just booked the trip with my friends and off I went. And I can honestly say that for the entire trip I was truly living. My friend Melanie (my amazing God Little for all you people who know what that is ;) lol) told me something before I left for Madrid that really stuck with me. She said something along the lines of "You're going to love Europe.You will notice that people are truly living over there, it's not like here. You are going to love it." And she was SO right. The vibe and culture of Rome is just so full of energy and life, and it is apparent in everything. People in Rome are living. And that is the biggest thing that I took away from Rome..the excitement  and passion for the little things and the ability to truly enjoy life.


Sending my Mom a post card :)

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