
Monday, February 24, 2014

Geneva, Switzerland

So I took a quick trip to Geneva this past weekend just because. I always thought it would be a cool place to visit and since I'm already in Europe I figured why not. This experience of being abroad is definitely teaching me that if I want to do something, I should just do it. Whether it be traveling, school, work related, or just in life in general. If I want something, I should go for it.

Geneva is a beautiful city and is completely surrounded by the Swiss Alps (most people go to Geneva for the amazing skiing). It is a relatively small city but it has so much culture and life. They are really big on Swiss chocolate (which is AMAZING by the way) and watches. Also, many of the world's international organizations, like the United Nations and Red Cross, are headquartered in Geneva which makes it a very global city (so even though everyone speaks French, they also know English which made it much easier for me lol). And even though it was cloudy for most of the trip I still had a great time :).


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